Mapping & Surveying

Achieve precise, detailed, and accurate mapping for small to vast hundred-acre properties & structures.

Orthomosaic Mapping

An orthomosaic is a meticulously crafted, geometrically corrected image generated by combining numerous photographs. Our cutting-edge orthomosaic mapping technology utilizes the drone's GPS coordinates to capture geo-referenced imagery. Subsequently, our software seamlessly amalgamates hundreds or even thousands of high-resolution images, culminating in an exceptionally accurate orthomosaic map.

With map our high quality resolutions you can achieve a level of precision and detail across extensive areas is exclusively attainable through specialized mapping technology.

A higher res Google Earth!


Unlock the detailed elevation profile of your property, providing a comprehensive view from its highest to the lowest points. Our service empowers you to make informed decisions regarding drainage improvements or necessary grade adjustments, ensuring your property meets its full potential while addressing any terrain challenges with confidence.

Vegetation Health

Integrate orthomosaic mapping with advanced multispectral imaging technology to access invaluable plant health insights. Cutting-edge drones can now deliver a Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) for robust crop analysis and data-driven decision-making, all with centimeter-level precision.